Luck Inc

Yes, I bought an Azz


So, I bought one of those Phat Azz’s. I wasn’t gonna at first but Glam Affair made appliers, and then Izzies made this cute bra and panty set so I was curious.

Will I wear it all the time? No. I just kinda wanted to try it and do a photo. I don’t know if they will catch on like the Lola’s did but maybe? The butt is kinda neat though and I look forward to see what people will do as far as appliers though.

One thing you gotta do when you get it is read the note card as far as your shape goes. You gotta put your body fat down to 0 and your belly at 15. I think it would have been better if they made the Azz in standard sizing and a bit more realistic but there are some sliders that you can play around with and a a few variations.

It’s up to you! After having purchased it I feel sort of neutral. I don’t regret my purchase but then again I’m not sure how much use I will get out of it. I came, I saw, I got a Phat Azz. You can get your own Phat Azz or demo it at Luck Inc.


I am also wearing cute polka dotted bra and panties from Izzies. New Rocky hair from Truth, Mandala ears, slink hands and Gos Feet.

One Voice – REPOST

one voice. July 9 – 15. fundraiser info.

Curio’s Gala Phoenix is currently in the midst of legal issues which have resulted in her content being removed from the grid, pending the outcome of her legal battle. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) process in Second Life requires that when there is legal action taken against your content, Linden Lab will remove it from the grid until a ruling is made. Gala’s fellow content creators have come together to host a fundraiser to help with the enormous amount of legal fees she will have to bare in order to fight these baseless claims.

The fundraiser will be held from July 9-15, with a blogger preview on July 8th.

Some participants include Flowey, BareRose, Black Lace, Belleza, Ingenue, Laq, Luck Inc, One Bad Pixel, Gos, Truth, Bent, Fawn, Cupcake, evolve, Glam Affair, ely, Lassitude & Ennui, Zanzibar, Adorkable, Ikon, League and many more.

This fundraiser is not only to help Gala Phoenix, but to also take a stand for the community of content creators, for many of whom SL is their main source of income. This could happen to any one of us, and it’s necessary that we stand up and fight back to ensure that it doesn’t.

Please contact Sophia Harlow or OMGWTF Barbecue if you’d like to participate as a content creator or blogger, and join the inworld group One Voice for updates and the LM when we open!

More info here:


Kittycats @ Project FUR

Project FUR Japan opens today at 9 PM SLT and as you know 100 percent of all proceeds go to help animals in need. I had one of the most squee giving moments in my whole SL yesterday. I am going to sound like an uber dork but I don’t care. Also because I didn’t want the photos huge size.. you can click on them to make them bigger.

I was hanging out on the Project FUR sim last night trying to get a few more photos and Callie Cline of Kittycats came back to finish setting up her booth as I was taking a few photos. Basically I wanted to take a picture with her but was sorta shy about asking, but she offered to take one with me and set up this cute background with the Kittycats. Needless to say I was pretty much fan-girling and excited.

So not only did I get to pose with Miss Callie Cline I was also able to get two of the new kitties that are coming out with Project FUR today. I was lucky enough to get a boy and a girl too!

They are the kittycats with the red accents called hope and 100 percent of the sale of them goes to help the animals of Japan. Also there will be one sold at the main store with gold accents going to help humans in another charity, though I am not sure as to which. The new cats come with some pretty amazing traits like “Porcelian shade” just to name one off the top of my head. The people from Ozimals for the bunny fans out there have set up a special sort of bunny as well.

So if you are obsessed with kittycats as much as I am this is most definately the place for you today. I have to say that I am awe with Callie Cline for coming out with such lovely kitties and in awe of her generous spirit. People like her give me hope for the rest of us. For all things Project FUR please go check out this blog:

Oh, and again just like the last post everything that I have on is from Project FUR except for my boots. This is one occasion where it’s ok to max out your credit card! 🙂

Project FUR Japan

“Project FUR Japan is a group created to raise funds to aid animal rescue groups who are helping the thousands of animals lost and/or injured during the tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan.”

I have been through many different emotions today. Overwhelmed, in awe, enchanted, amused, amazed… and even humbled with the amount of support and love that is in this community that we call Second Life. You may not always see it but if you stop for just a moment.. it is there. I mean one of the things that really touched me is that Lelutka donated an entire SIM for a month!

Project FUR starts tomorrow at 9 SLT and this is somewhere that you want to be. 100 percent of all the proceeds generated at this event will go to help Animals in Japan.

Everything I have on besides my boots came from Project FUR. The truth hair where you get all colors for a mere 350l. Four Laqroki skins called Maria for only 1k, Special edition Tyra jeans from, my shirt in the photo is from Cynful. My necklace is from Lou Lou.. all of it here with 100 percent going to help an animal in need.

There is something for everyone, please come give and by doing so you are helping. The Kittycats will get a special post 🙂

Luck Inc.

For the last few days I’ve been wearing jeans from Luck Inc – I figured I’d show you because I really really love them. They come in three different styles for a reasonable price and this particular pair can also be worn with faun legs which is something that I’m very excited about for future wear. The jeans are very well done and I was quite impressed with them. The shirt in this post is also from L.Inc.