oakley foxtrot

Bloggers I’d want to be stranded on a desert island with


Pic of me by Snowy Melody: https://www.flickr.com/photos/snowymelody/

Today is my seventh rez day and every now and then I like to do one of these kind of posts cause I think it’s a good time to give kudos to people that you admire now and then.

So what I’m gonna do in no particular order is list some of the bloggers in SL that I think are really cool, if I don’t mention someone I probably still think you are cool!

Cora Pomilio I love the way that she puts together her photos. I think they look really creative and classy.

Oakley Foxtrot Her pictures are breathtaking, cutting edge and unique. She’s got a freshly dark take on fashion and I like it.

Sophia Harlow There is a lot that I can say about Sophia but I’ve loved her blog for a long, long time and it always remains a classic and a go-to for me. She puts the sacred in fashion.

Maci Restless She’s the little miss fashion cupcake and I kind of adore her. She makes many different kinds of looks and sometimes.. I’m just like whoa.. where did you get that?

Sophee Mojo I love the way she puts her stuff together whether it’s fashion or home decor. She has a very nice style about her and I check up on her blog quite a bit!

Primrose Snowfield
Long before I knew her I liked her Second Life name a lot and it fits her blogging style. She is elegant, eclectic, and her photos amazing.

Eve Daines Yep, I had to put a kid blogger on the list. I’m a bit partial to this one as this is my god daughter but if you take a look at her blog and look closely at the photos you will be amazed! She has impeccable decorating and styling for someone so young!

Ziki Quest I love this blogger because she takes excellent shots of Second Life and gives me new ideas of where to go for blog posts and she just does it so well.

Magenta Devinna My beautiful, pink glitterific, super sweet and sexy princess. I’ve kinda always had a little blogger crush on her. I’m not sure what it is but her photos are always super styled and she has a certain magic about her.

and also.. this wouldn’t be a list without mentioning Berry, Luna, Felicity, Grazia, and Gogo.. Your posts, your time that you put into blogging SL, Thank you!