second life shopping

Talk Nerdy to me


Today is a double feature on my blog of the <strong>Geeks ‘n’ Nerds fair. Now I’m featuring some of the clothing, jewelry and make up and the cute nerdy poses from !bang.


The poses with prop are in a gacha machine from !bang at 50L a pop and there are several to be had. Super cute little signs of geekdom. The skirt, sweater and tank top outfit that I’m wearing is from Fishy Strawberry and the jewelry that I’m wearing – the rings and necklace are from Olive. The eyeliner that I have on is from Mons and all can be found scattered around the fair.

You can check it out by teleporting here:


I’m also wearing hair from Argrace, boots from Gos and stockings from League. My current skin is Vera from Glam Affair.